Ganoderma mushrooms provide a number of benefits to health which can be easily understood with basic concepts of ganotherapy. These three basic concepts of ganoderma health theory also called ganotherapy are enough to understand the working and application of ganoderma. Ganoderma isn't a drug or medication based on modern health theory but its a herb, a natural traditional herb which works on natural theory of health. So, in order to understand how and where, we can find ganoderma's effectiveness, we have to understand its bare basics which are based on traditional view and are a part of alternative health which may or may not be agreeable to followers of modern health theory. There are so many health theories each based on some different principle and we can not judge one theory based on principles of another health theory.
Ganoderma's health theory called ganotherapy has some basic assumptions on how and where it works. These basic assumptions do not help in understanding the basis of ganoderma's working but they only throw a light on who could expect health benefits from ganoderma. One simple theory that I have or like to follow is 'Fill it and Forget it'. I don't think that discussing how, what, where and why of any alternative health theory or modern health theory helps in solving a health problem. Discussing and learning about these aspects only help us in understanding how it works and has nothing to do with how effective it can prove for health status of our body system. I think it is better to try it for some time and see the results, results will make it clear whether there is an underlying health theory in ganoderma or any other ganoderma based products. It will also clarify whether it is real gold or something artificially polished like gold.
There are so many aspects of health and health theories that it becomes difficult to conclude anything. I've noticed that over time a single product is reported to be good, then bad, then good for one part of body or another based on new researches. These researches are not meant for common man but for health professionals who understand there basics and what this actually meant. A common man is only perplexed with all these complexities. We cannot research on a product like a health professionals due to lack of skills or due to lack of time to investigate every detail. We only need well researched or proven health plan which is simplified and easy to follow. Anything which is result oriented and effective solves our problem. In case of ganoderma, it isn't a modern artificially generated product or a health product developed by modern man in light of latest modern health theories. Ganoderma is a well estabilished product with credentials that no one can deny, ganoderma is not a dot com bubble which has surfaced due to contemporary reasons. It is another issue that today in the modern world of schemes and scams, anything which gains popularity is immediately imitated by many with both real and fake products. Sometimes it becomes difficult to distinguish between real and fake as at times fake seems to be more attractive and effective then real. I think nature must learn some tricks from modern man and work on overall look and appearance of its own creation.
This is first part of Ganoderma Health Theory and discussion on Ganotherapy continues in second part of this article also published with this one.
Yogesh Bailwal has been promoting Ganoderma and Ganoderma based products to those who are seeking natural health in today's atmosphere of polluted environment and polluted lifestyle. He accidentally discovered ganoderma and its health benefits when he was going through a difficult time. He believes in ganoderma's natural way of working on our body system and thinks that it is a perfect solution for those who are unable to take care of there health due to illness, age, disability, working condition, habits or any other factor which prevent a person from following other natural ways to health like exercising, yoga, meditation, sports etc. He manages a website on ganoderma and natural ways to care for health, with
Above article is the first part of Basic Concept of Ganoderma Health Theory-II also published with this article on Ganotherapy.