Comparatively new to the network marketing field is OrGano Gold. Even with its newcomer status, it has launched with a bang. Bernard Chua, a self-made millionaire, grew his skills in the sales environment of the Philippines, building a veritable empire of direct sales. Not only has he capitalized on the organic market early, he has been a leader in many successful companies.
This entrepreneurial launch is based on debt-free OrGano Gold. Capable Chua heads a leadership team at OrGano Gold which employs innovators, think-tank and sales professionals who help the company grow as a whole but in particular, help their marketers.
OrGano Gold Product
The Asian mushroom which is thought to have healing powers, is the foundation of OrGano Gold's trademark product, Ganoderma Lucidum. Traditional Chinese medicine has used it for a long time. Ganoderma has a long list of benefits and is supposed to increase energy and enhance immunity. Ordinary tea, coffee or other supplements cannot boost antioxidants in the way that the mushroom can.
OrGano Gold has already established itself as the world's leading distributor of botanicals, which are in all the company's organic products. One of their distinct advantages is a pledge of a 100% organic product.
They offer Ganoderma Lucidum in capsule form, Ganoderma spore powder, black coffee, coffee latte, gourmet mocha, hot chocolate, green tea, and skin care products. The company promises to develop and release additional Ganoderma Lucidum products in the future.
OrGano Gold as a Marketing Opportunity
With such a unique product which has numerous health benefits, OrGano Gold is certainly an ideal marketing opportunity. Nearly everyone people drink coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and a good number of people use some type of skin care. By offering a gourmet or specialized product infused with a health-enhancing organic substance, the company has a great idea.
Although it is a recent startup, the company is not in debt, and monthly sales have hovered around the one million dollar mark. The company also has motivational coaches and a professional team of trainers. The compensation plan is comprehensive and generous, including daily payout of retail sales and a variety of bonus plans, such as leadership bonuses and matching bonuses.
In the MLM world, there is no lack of opportunities to make money. From power drinks to clothing, companies need network marketing partners to help their business to grow. There is a big difference between having an opportunity and in fact making money.
The network marketer must have strategic knowledge of online marketing best practices in order to make money with OrGano Gold. To really succeed in your business you cannot rely on the old school method of reliance on your own circle of family, friends and business associates. Rather, you must know and practice attraction marketing. Leverage the power of the Internet to expand your business and distinguish yourself as a leader within your own right.
Randy Myers [] is an expert at teaching people how to build their Network Marketing businesses online and dominate the search engines. He will teach how you how to prosper in your OrGano Gold business [] and generate quality leads online.
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