Academic Journal
Main Category: Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness
Also Included In: Cholesterol; Hypertension
Article Date: 25 Dec 2012 - 0:00 PST Current ratings for:
Eating Whole Eggs Can Improve Blood Lipids

Eating whole eggs can improve lipoprotein profiles for patients with metabolic syndrome and also help them with weight management.
The finding came from new research that was conducted by a team led by Dr. Maria Luz Fernandez, Professor at the University of Connecticut, and was published in the journal Metabolism.
Approximately 34% of people in the United States have metabolic syndrome, a condition becoming increasingly common. According to prior research, women have a higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome than men because they are less likely to work out for at least a half of an hour each day.
A person develops metabolic syndrome when he/she has 3 or more of the following risk factors:
Patients with this condition have an increased probability of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, due to a diversity of risk factors.Since there has been varied information on dietary cholesterol, many people try to stay away from particular foods, including eggs, especially those who struggle with health problems.
For the purpose of the research, middle-aged males and females with metabolic syndrome were split into 2 groups: one group ate 3 whole eggs each day and the other ate the same amount of egg substitute each day as part of a carbohydrate-restricted diet to lose weight.
After the subjects in the whole eggs group spent 3 months on the diet, the researchers found that it had no impact on their LDL cholesterol or total blood cholesterol, even though they were eating two times the amount of cholesterol than they were before the experiment began.
Both the whole eggs group and the egg substitute group had increases in HDL cholesterol, decreases in plasma triglycerides, and improved lipid profiles.
Dr. Luz Fernandez explained:
"Eating egg yolks was actually associated with enhanced health benefits in these high-risk individuals. Subjects consuming whole eggs had greater increases in HDL cholesterol and more significant reductions in the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio than those who ate the cholesterol-free egg substitute."Eggs actually have 64% more vitamin D than scientists believed in the past and currently have 14% less cholesterol (reduced from 215 mg to 185 mg), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research service.
Thirteen critical vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and choline, can be found in one large egg. This is important because vitamin D and choline are not found plentifully in other foods.
The yolk provides most of these nutrients, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect against macular degeneration and its resulting age-related blindness. Studies have demonstrated that although eggs provide just small amounts of these nutrients, receiving them from eggs may be more beneficial, or bioavailable, than receiving them from supplements.
A different report published in Food and Function discovered that eating egg yolks each day was linked with increases in plasma lutein, ß-carotene, and zeaxanthin in patients with metabolic syndrome, a condition that is normally linked to reduced levels of the same nutrients.
A critical way to halt the development of chronic disease, such as metabolic syndrome, is to control weight.People can control their weight by keeping track of what they eat. For example, consuming all-natural, high-quality protein can help people feel satisfied for a longer period, give them energy, and helps create muscle.
Research has shown that consuming eggs for breakfast, as opposed to eating a bagel of comparable calories, keeps people feeling fuller longer and decreases the amount of food consumed throughout the day, therefore, causing a notable reduction in BMI and waist circumference.
An effective way to prevent chronic disease and manage weight, according to Dr. Dixie Harms, a nurse practitioner who specializes in diabetes care, is to begin each morning with a protein-rich breakfast.
In fact, previous research indicated that obese and overweight patients with metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes experienced significant improvements in their health after just 3 weeks of diet and moderate exercise.
Harms said:
"Management of chronic disease takes a coordinated effort with diet and lifestyle. A balanced breakfast including high-quality protein plus regular physical activity can help put individuals on a path to a healthier lifestyle."
Fortunately, making a healthy breakfast is rather simple. Include foods such as fruits, veggies, eggs, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.
Written by Sarah Glynn
Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today
31 Dec. 2012.
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'Eating Whole Eggs Can Improve Blood Lipids'
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